Showing posts with label All Inclusive Vacations. Show all posts
Showing posts with label All Inclusive Vacations. Show all posts

Thursday, September 23, 2021

The Ultimate Guide to Credit Card & Loyalty Programs for the All Inclusive Vacationer

This feature was originally published on the Rewards Canada website in October of 2019 and has been updated for 2021! With travel starting to open up more for Canadians many people will be looking to get away this winter to some sunny destinations and the good news is you can use your credit card points and loyalty programs for All Inclusive Vacations!

As Canadians we know what it’s like to live with long, drawn out winters. We dread the short daylight hours and the biting wind. So how do we as a nation battle the season we look forward to before Christmas but are sick of by the first week of January? We travel. We travel to warmer sun drenched locales and for many of us that means an all inclusive vacation. Canadian winters and all inclusive vacations go hand in hand.

Tuesday, November 12, 2019

Podcast Episode 60 - The Ultimate Guide to Credit Card & Loyalty Programs for the All Inclusive Vacationer


Episode 60 - November 12, 2019
The Ultimate Guide to Credit Card & Loyalty Programs for the All Inclusive Vacationer


In this episode we delve into one of the latest features on Rewards Canada and a topic that has been mostly ignored by reward programs as well as travel and loyalty points bloggers and websites. That topic is how to use credit card and loyalty program points and miles towards All Inclusive Vacation packages. We discuss six credit cards whose reward programs are ideal for package vacations and also take a look at six loyalty programs whose points and miles can help save you some cash on those same vacations.

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The Ultimate Guide to Credit Card & Loyalty Programs for the All Inclusive Vacationer

Tuesday, October 29, 2019

The Ultimate Guide to Credit Card & Loyalty Programs for the All Inclusive Vacationer

Here's an excerpt of this new guide we released on Rewards Canada today:

As Canadians we know what it’s like to live with long, drawn out winters. We dread the short daylight hours and the biting wind. So how do we as a nation battle the season we look forward to before Christmas but are sick of by the first week of January? We travel. We travel to warmer sun drenched locales and for many of us that means an all inclusive vacation. Canadian winters and all inclusive vacations go hand in hand. However, when it comes to travel loyalty programs and credit cards, all inclusive vacations are neglected. Have you ever seen a credit card ad detailing an all inclusive vacation? No, it’s almost always flights and to a lesser extend hotel stays. That’s because we've been trained to think that credit card and travel reward programs are just for flights. And we're trained that way because that's what most programs used to be. Think about it, you ask any Canadian on the street to name a travel reward program and you're almost guaranteed you'll only hear Aeroplan or AIR MILES. Not much else. And while those two are coalition programs offering a slew of rewards, they are synonymous with flights and merchandise. And while those are rewards many people do strive for, you can 't just redeem for a flight on an all-inclusive vacation, so many Canadians tend to just save up and buy the vacation while continuing to try to earn enough points or miles just for other flights. So we're here to dispel the notion that travel loyalty programs are for flights primarily and show you how to make the most of them to help you save on all inclusives or even to get them for free.

Continue on to the main Rewards Canada website to read the entire feature!