Tuesday, September 4, 2018

IHG Rewards Club - Earn Double Points plus more for IHG stays worldwide until December 16

What appears to be a take on their usual Accelerate offer, IHG Rewards Club has released their next global systemwide promotion for the remainder of the year. Called Double Points Plus More this time since all members will earn double points starting with their second stay the take on Accelerate is the 'plus more' option where each member receives targeted offers to meet that will earn them more bonus points. Here is what I got:

 Let us know what offer you get in the comments below!

Offer details
Double IHG Rewards Club Points + more for stays at IHG Hotels Worldwide starting with your second stay. Full details, online registration & booking. (Registration is required) Until Dec 16, 18

Find many more IHG Rewards Club offers here!