Thursday, September 27, 2018
British Airways Executive Club: Double Avios on all BA flights out of Canada (and globally!)
The British Airways Executive Club Double Avios on all flights offer is back! Launching a few weeks earlier than last year and also getting rid of some the residence restrictions (which included Canada) this is now one of the best systemwide global flight promotions on the market right now. I would say this one falls in right after the Miles & More 25 miles per euro bonus but ahead of the current Air Canada systemwide bonuses.
BA serves Montreal, Toronto and Vancouver regularly and is serving Calgary until late October.
Offer details
Earn Double Avios on every British Airways flight Worldwide as well as British Airways flights operated by American Airlines, Iberia and Finnair when travelling between Europe and North America. Full details, online registration & booking (Registration is required) Until Dec 31, 18
Bonus will be awarded for up to 10 flights (one way sectors, round trip counts as two)
Find many more bonus Avios offers here