As soon as Coast Hotels last double points promo ended last week they revealed another one! Points Bonanza, mmm Bonanza, I wish Bonanza buffet was still around (I do believe there is one in Edmonton... maybe our YEG readers can confirm) but then again this pandemic has kind of put a stop to buffets for the most part.... Sorry, time to get back on track here! The Coast Rewards points bonanza takes their previous double points promotion but expands it beyond Coast Rewards to include all of their earning partners. This means you can earn double points or miles with five different programs. Simply choose your earning preference in your Coast Rewards account and any stays until September 14 will earn double in that program. This means for Aeroplan each stay will earn 500 to 1,000 miles, Mileage Plan will be 1,000 miles, Hawaiian is 400 and More Rewards will be 2 points per pre-tax dollar.
Offer details:
Earn Double Coast Rewards Points, Aeroplan Miles, Mileage Plan Miles,
HawaiianMiles or More Rewards Points when you stay at any Coast
Hotels location in Canada or the U.S. Full details Until Sep 14, 20
Image via Coast Hotels