We released a new feature today on the main Rewards Canada site for those of you who are new to the world of points, miles, cash back and loyalty rewards in general. This feature takes a look at the first credit card you should consider getting to get yourself started down this rabbit hole! The great thing about this card is it is perfect to get before you have even started to learn about and research loyalty programs. It covers the best of the best for earning, burning, value and more and thus it gives you a head start to collecting points while you begin to educate yourself and learn what reward or rewards will be best for you.
While aimed at newcomers I personally feel this article even drives home the point (sorry can't stray away from that word) for all levels of points and miles enthusiasts of having this card in your wallet - whether you are a beginner or an expert. With the American Express Cobalt® Card you have all your bases covered. Travel, cash back, frequent flyer & guest programs and more. All with amazing value to boot. Give it a read today to begin your points and miles journey!