Monday, January 6, 2020

Redemption Stories: Saving $3,800 on last minute flights with the Platinum Card from American Express

For the Rewards Canada family a lot of our vacations are spur of the moment. So when we want to get away for only a few short days we don’t want to spend much of that time getting to our destination so we usually look for direct flights that aren’t much more than three hours in length. And since it is winter we wanted to go somewhere warmer. That means places like Los Angeles, San Diego, Palm Springs, or Phoenix. With a trip to Phoenix already booked for later in 2020 we crossed that off the list. Then with our attendance required at a New Years Eve party in YYC we crossed San Diego off the list as the flight back into Calgary wouldn’t leave us much time get home and get ready. So that left LA or the Palm Desert. We chose the latter as it tends to be more relaxing than LA. Of course this means booking at the last minute, which also means not so cheap flights when looking for four seats. Add in the fact it was during the Christmas high season and you know there aren’t going to be any cheap seats. Four tickets at the last minute to any of these cities run well over $1000 per person - in economy. That’s pretty pricey for these flights but that’s where points and miles can come in to help. WestJet is the only airline that flies direct to PSP from YYC (unfortunately the grounding of the Boeing 737 MAX meant AC dropped the route) so that gave us two points options that we could utilize to make the price more bearable. The first was booking through WestJet and using our companion vouchers and WestJet dollars. Since my wife and I each have our own WestJet cards we have two companion vouchers that we could use. Perfect for a family of four. The second option was booking through American Express travel and utilizing the Fixed Points Travel program.

Continue reading the full redemption story here!

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