Wednesday, March 17, 2021

Receive a 20% bonus when you buy Best Western Travel Cards


For the third time in less than a year Best Western is offering a 20% bonus on Best Western Travel/Gift Cards! When you buy a C$100 gift card they will give you a C$20 bonus card to use. You can buy up to $500 worth of gift cards with this promotion to receive $100 in bonus cards. Note the terminology difference in the cards – the travel/gift card is a true gift card – that is it has no expiry date as they can’t put one on them due to laws against it in countries like the U.S. and Canada. However the bonus card is not considered as such since it is an incentive and you are not paying cash for it. That means they can put an expiry on the bonus card and they have done so. Any bonus cards you receive are only valid until June 30, 2021. Nonetheless if you think you’ll be traveling and staying at Best Western hotels by the end of June then by all means avail of this offer to garner those savings! Also note that you can buy the travel cards in USD, EUR or GBP currencies.

Offer details:
Receive a C$20 Best Western Bonus Card for every C$100 Best Western Travel/Gift Card you purchase. The bonus card is awarded for purchases of up to C$500 of gift cards. Learn more and purchase gift cards here. Unknown end date for buying the cards

Here are some more Best Western offers to check out: