Thursday, May 21, 2020

American Express Business Edge Card Confirmed Multiplier Locations Feature

You are probably familiar with a feature on our site entitled 'American Express Cobalt Card Confirmed Multiplier Locations' and we have now created the same thing here for the American Express Business Edge Card. If you aren't familiar with that page, it is a list of merchants that have been confirmed by our users as locations to where and how you can earn points on the card. In the case of the Cobalt card it is 5x points for Eats & Drinks, 2x points for rides, travel & gas and then 1x points for everything else. We have to thank our reader Reed Sutton for the idea as he asked if there was a similar chart for the American Express Business Edge card and since there wasn't we decided to make it, albeit 3 months after I first promised it, but it's finally here!

You can visit the full feature here and just like the Cobalt multipliers page we encourage you to contribute any merchants that aren't listed, merchants that show up in the wrong category and so on!