Monday, November 18, 2019
What you actually have to spend to get some of the best credit card welcome bonus offers
You may recall earlier in the month we had a blog post entitled "What you actually have to spend to get some of the best credit card welcome bonus offers" Well that post turned out to be extremely popular so I decided to make it into a full time feature page on the main Rewards Canada website. By doing this it allowed me to expand it beyond the nine cards we had in that post and it will be easier to keep updated with new offers as they come along and when old offers end.
This feature does really put to light what the true requirements are to get the advertised bonus offers - it's not as easy as the issuers make it seem in some cases! It may make you think twice about an offer and maybe go for one that has a little less value but a lot less effort in terms of spending. All food for thought!
You can access the new feature here
(be sure to bookmark it!)
Here's a screenshot of the just the first few cards on the list: