Monday, June 17, 2019

We reveal an updated look and feel to Rewards Canada's Cash Back Comparison Charts!

You may recall that back in January we revealed the first major revamp to our credit card comparison charts in 15 years. At that time we updated the look and format for all the personal travel rewards credit card comparisons. That left the Cash Back and Business/Corporate charts in our old format and awaiting an update. Today marks another big day as we have now updated the Cash Back Comparison Chart to the new look and format! 

View the updated Cash Back Credit Card Comparison Chart here!

The charts now read much better with the information being set up left to right rather than up and down and the columns are sortable! There have also been more cards added than were featured previously. We have to thank our reader James M. for telling us about the Javascript that allowed us to add this feature. We are not programmers by trade so it took a little bit of time to figure how to work it! We still are in the process of trying to figure out how to lock the table header in place so that you can see it no matter where you scroll in the charts and hope to have that feature soon.

Here are the links to all the charts that have now seen the update:

 The following chart will be updated over the next few months as well to the new format:
Let us know what you think of the new chart in the comments below! If you find any mistakes or items that need updated please let us know as well! And if you are Javascript/CSS/HTML knowledgeable and know how to lock the headers please feel free to contact us as well to speed up the process!

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