Wednesday, April 24, 2013

Triple WestJet Dollars for WestJet Vacations bookings

I received this offer in my email this morning and I know that we have such a broad mix of readers here on Rewards Canada that someone will probably use this offer (I know you are all not hard core Star Alliance/Aeroplan flyers ;-) ) and if you are planning a packaged vacation why wouldn't you take advantage of this? Had this offer been for next winter I probably would have looked into it as Turks & Caicos are on the radar for my family (Beaches Resort of course for the kids!). But alas the offer is not for next winter so I'm not taking advantage of it.  The offer had a start date of April 4 so I assume some of you may have already received this offer prior to this. Here is the offer as it will appear on Rewards Canada's WestJet Rewards page later today:

Earn Triple WestJet Rewards Dollars on new WestJet Vacations bookings made by April 30 for travel until October 31. Members with eligible earn rate of 0.5% on WestJet Vacations packages will earn 1.5% back in WestJet dollars; members with eligible earn rate of 1% will earn 3% back in WestJet dollars. Full details and online booking