Wednesday, January 9, 2013

Emirates Miles Accelerator: Earn Bonus Skyward Miles on select routes

What better time than the start of the year to remind Emirates Skywards members and travelers flying on Emirates about their excellent Miles Accelerator offers. Each month Emirates releases bonus offers on select routes across their network called 'Miles Acceleratorwhich enables you to earn more Skywards Miles when you fly with Emirates, irrespective of the fare you pay or where you buy your ticket. Unlike other 'multipliers' from the likes of American, US Airways etc. you don't pay for these bonsus miles.

For us here in Canada the best options for Emirates flights are out of Toronto (Air Canada and WestJet interline with EK so you can connect seamlessly from other Canadian cities) and also Seattle (where Alaska Airlines partners with EK and offers flights out of Alberta and BC to connect to the Seattle-Dubai flight). Of course you can always choose another U.S. city to connect via and if you are flying beyond Dubai be sure to check if there are Miles Accelerator offers for those sectors as well. We keep a select list of offers on the Rewards Canada site but there are even more using the
Miles Accelerator search engine.

For the month of January, the Miles Accelerator offer is available from both Toronto and Seattle as follows:
Route / First Class / Business Class / Economy Class (Round Trip Values)
Seattle - Dubai / 16,000 bonus Miles / 8,000 bonus Miles / Not Available
Toronto - Dubai / 12,000 bonus Miles / 4,000 bonus Miles / Not Available

As you can see both routes do not have bonuses on Economy class flights in January but do in both Business and First Class. As the Miles Accelerator offer seems dynamic as is updated at least once a month if not more I would always recommend you check back every so often to see if Economy Class is added in situations like these (or just opt-in for your route to make sure you don't miss out on any potential bonus miles)

About Miles Accelerator:
The Miles Accelerator feature allows you to search out routes, presumably the ones you need to fly on and see if any of them are offering more miles. Typically flights that are seeing less demand will see a bonus offer. For example, city pairs that have more then one flight a day may have different bonuses offered depending on the flight.  As you can see on the following Frankfurt - Dubai screen grab from November 2011, the early morning flight to Dubai has no bonus for economy class presumably because the flight is showing enough demand:

Sometimes the bonuses are the same for the return flight but on many occasions they are not, as seen on the return Dubai to Frankfurt routing:

Here are some other routes that have bonuses for the month of January
Route / First Class / Business Class / Economy Class (Round Trip Values)
Dallas - Dubai / 16,000 bonus Miles / 8,000 bonus Miles / Not available
Houston - Dubai / 12,000 bonus Miles / Not available / 3,000 bonus Miles
New York - Dubai / 8,000 Bonus Miles / 6,000 Bonus Miles / 4,000 bonus Miles
San Francisco - Dubai / 12,000 bonus Miles / Not available / Not Available
Seattle - Dubai / 16,000 bonus Miles / 8,000 bonus Miles / Not Available
Washington - Dubai / 8,000 bonus Miles / 4,000 bonus Miles / Not Available
Toronto - Dubai / 12,000 bonus Miles / 4,000 bonus Miles / Not Available
Abidjan - Dubai / 14,000 bonus Miles / 4,000 Bonus Miles / 3,000 bonus Miles
Amsterdam - Dubai / 8,000 bonus Miles / 4,000 Bonus Miles / Not available
Bangkok - Dubai / 6,000 bonus Miles / 2,000 Bonus Miles / Not available
Beijing Dubai / 10,000 bonus Miles / 6,000 Bonus Miles / 3,000 bonus Miles
Cairo - Dubai / 6,500 bonus Miles / Not available / 500 bonus Miles
Cape Town - Dubai / ,000 Bonus Miles / Not available / Not Available
Delhi - Dubai / 3,500 bonus Miles / 1,500 bonus Miles / Not Available
Frankfurt - Dubai / 8,000 bonus Miles / Not available / 1,000 bonus Miles
Hamburg - Dubai / 8,000 bonus Miles / 4,000 bonus Miles / 1,000 bonus Miles
Johannesburg - Dubai / 10,000 Bonus Miles / Not available / Not Available
Kuala Lumpur - Dubai / 10,000 Bonus Miles / 6,000 Bonus Miles / 2,000 bonus Miles
London - Dubai / 3,000 Bonus Miles / 2,000 Bonus Miles / 3,000 bonus Miles
Manchester - Dubai / 10,000 Bonus Miles / 4,000 Bonus Miles / 2,000 bonus Miles
Manilia - Dubai / Not available / 6,000 Bonus Miles / 2,000 bonus Miles
Melbourne - Dubai / 14,000 Bonus Miles / Not available / Not available
Paris - Dubai / 10,000 Bonus Miles / 5,000 Bonus Miles / 3,000 bonus Miles
Perth - Dubai / 16,000 Bonus Miles / 6,000 Bonus Miles / 4,000 bonus Miles
Rio De Janeiro- Dubai / 14,000 Bonus Miles / Not available / Not available
Singapore- Dubai / 6,000 Bonus Miles / 4,000 bonus Miles / 3,000 bonus Miles
Seoul - Dubai / 9,000 bonus Miles / 6,000 bonus Miles / 4,000 bonus Miles
Sydney - Dubai / 14,000 bonus Miles / 4,000 bonus Miles / Not available
Tokyo - Dubai / 9,000 Bonus Miles / 6,000 bonus Miles / 6,000 bonus Miles
Vienna - Dubai / 10,000 bonus Miles / 6,000 bonus Miles / Not available
Zurich - Dubai / Not available / Not available / 2,000 bonus Miles

Overall the Miles Accelerator offer from Emirates is a good way to earn some extra miles on your EK flights. The bonus miles do not cost you anything extra, all you have to do is opt-in each month into the Miles Accelerator program and see if you can take advantage of any of the routes that have bonus offers on them. It is wise to check the offers on a monthly basis or visit our Skywards page for a sampling of offers as sometimes the bonuses can get quite large as witnessed on several occasions when you could earn 70,000 Bonus Skywards miles for flights in first class between Los Angeles and Dubai.