Thursday, November 3, 2011

Rewards Canada November Updates

In case you missed the big banner above or the banners all over the website, we launched our 10th Anniversary contest on November 1st with some huge prizes supplied by American Express Canada, Aeroplan and Etihad Airways. In total there are 10 prizes ranging from Sheraton Bath Robes to 125,000 Aeroplan Miles. For all the details and to enter the contest visit

But that was not the only news we had come out on November 1st, we actually had two more updates come out the same day. The first was a redesign of the website which is slowly being integrated into all the pages on the site as each is updated, roughly 50% of the site has the new look incorporated. Feel free to comment below on what you think of it!

Finally, the last update was the launch of our YouTube channel called Rewards Canada TV which will feature news, reviews, rants, raves, tips and tricks and much more on the travel rewards industry in Canada. You can visit the channel at and view my first video below: