Monday, September 14, 2009

Rewards Canada is eight years old!

Wow I can't believe that Rewards Canada has been around for eight years now. Rewards Canada was started as small hobby website in late August of 2001 partially to teach me some basic HTML programming and what better way then to do it by fulfilling my passion for airlines and frequent flyer programs.

Back in 2001 we maybe had 100 visitors in the first month. now, Rewards Canada is nearing the 40,000 visitor mark each month and as many of you know we have expanded into the Worldwide markets with the Frequent Flyer Bonuses brand of websites. Although I still have a day job, Rewards Canada is no longer a hobby but a full fledged business focused on providing travel rewards information to the Canadian market.

The website is now featured quite regularily in the media and I actually just completed a full travel rewards supplement for Macleans Magazine. It is the first time I wrote something for the media rather then consulting or providing them with background information. It was fun to do and hopefully more projects like this will come along.

I want to thank all of our visitors, readers, subscribers and affiliate partners for the 8 years of support. I am looking forward to the next 8 years of Rewards Canada and hopefully you are all too.

Thanks and best regards
Patrick Sojka

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