Tuesday, July 26, 2022

Earn Double Miles with AIR MILES Card Linked offers until July 31

When AIR MILES went through their revamp in late 2021 one of the new features they added was Card Linked Offers. This is where you can link any Canadian Mastercard to your AIR MILES account and when you use that card at the merchants featured in Card Linked Offers you earn AIR MILES Reward Miles for that purchase. Some of the participating merchants include Subway, Boston Pizza and The Shoe Company

Double Miles Offer

As part of AIR MILES Summer of Extras promotion they are offering double miles on all Card Linked offer until July 31. This means you can get 16 miles instead of 8 at Subway when you spend $15 or more, 70 miles with Boston Pizza for a $60 spend and more. Here are all the offers:

Wrapping it up

It's great to see AIR MILES bonus up these offers right now as I feel the AIR MILES Card Linked offers program hasn't really lived up to the hype surrounding it from when it launched. For the better part of eight or nine months it has pretty much been the same merchants running almost the same offers. There hasn't been any variety within the program and honestly to me the Card Linked offers are stale.

I personally used them a couple of times at Subway when they first launched but I prefer using my Cobalt Card for the 5x points and the rest of the offers/partners don't really fit for me so I really don't give them much consideration. I wish they would change them up more and bring in more merchants. At least there is this double miles offer now! I may actually utilize it again at Subway - if I go to Subway by the 31st that is!

Click here to learn more about this offer

Images via AIR MILES