Monday, January 17, 2022

Guide to Credit Card Emergency Medical Insurance Coverage - Updated for 2022

The one good thing about doing a website redesign and updating pages on a one by one basis is that it allows us to also bring the content of those pages up to date. Such is the case with this feature we first published back in February 2013. It has had a few updates along the way but definitely needed to be a thorough brushing up for 2022. 

That feature is our Guide to Credit Card Emergency Medical Insurance Coverage (formerly titled Travel Reward Credit Card Medical Insurance Coverage but there are cash back cards with this benefit now) and the main premise of this feature is to let readers know which cards provide the insurance and more importantly which will cover you when you are 65 years or older.

Screen shot of the primary focus from the feature

Click here to check out the updated Guide to Credit Card Emergency Medical Insurance Coverage


If there are any cards/details we missed or you have any questions about this type of coverage please let us know in the comments section.