Thursday, February 25, 2021

Major devaluation coming to the SCENE program for Cineplex & Playdium purchases

We have another devaluation on our hands people. After bringing devaluation news from BMO and Scotia earlier this year we hate to bring you this news from Canada's beloved SCENE program. Over the next few weeks and months the amount of SCENE points you earn with Cineplex will be changing and it's not for the better. Points earning at Cineplex theatres, the online Cineplex store and at Playdium are all changing. I would have to think the current economic situation caused by the pandemic is the reason behind this change. At least for the time being they haven't changed to redemption process so points you have already earned will retain their value.

As of April 30 SCENE members will earn 5 points per dollar spent on movie tickets at Cineplex locations. Currently the earn is 125 points for a general admission or 3D movie, 200 points for an enhanced movie or 250 for a  VIP movie (these are all based on adult admission rate). If we take a movie price of $13.50 (that's the price in Ottawa on February 26) you'll earn 67.5 points although I'm guessing they'll award 68 so this almost a 50% devaluation from the current 125!! That's a huge difference. 

 UPDATE: As Phil M on Twitter noted to us the above change is both a devaluation but also a potential enhancement. The reason being currently Cineplex awards 125 points only on the first ticket and 65 points for up to two children. However if you have any further adult or child tickets no points would be awarded on them. In the update as of April 30 it will be 5 points per dollar on all tickets so if you are buying for two adults you'll come out even or ahead if you are buying for more adults and children than that.

However there aren't a lot of people hitting the theatres seeing that many are closed right now, with the Ottawa example only opening tomorrow on February 26. So that leaves earning points with Cineplex online. Right now when you rent movies or make other purchases via Cineplex online you earn 10 points per dollar spent. As of March 1 that changes to 5 points per dollar spent. A full 50% less here.

And the biggest change? If you utilize Cineplex's Playdium you earn 10 points per dollar spent until April 30. Then it drops drastically to 1 point per dollar spent. Ouch!!

You can learn more about these changes here.

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