Wednesday, April 8, 2020
Earn up to 5x Aeroplan Miles with Aeroplan eStore's Spring Fashion Event
Online shopping has always a great way to earn more miles, points and cash back thanks to online shopping portals from various loyalty programs. However now with the world in the state that it is in now online shopping has become an even more important part of our daily lives. Each day when you are planning to shop online you should always check the online shopping portals to see if the store you are considering is featured in a portal and if they are, check to see which portal may have a bonus for extra miles or cash back for those purchases.
That brings us to this latest portal offer, Aeroplan eStore's Spring Fashion Event. From now until April 19 you can earn up to 5x Aeroplan Miles for shopping online at select retailers that fall under their fashion category. From Adidas to Gap to Under Armour you can earn anywhere from 2 to 5 times the regular miles.
There are 29 retailers in total where you can earn bonus Aeroplan miles at and here is just a snapshot of eight of them:
As we always remind you as well - make sure you use a miles or points earning credit card for the purchase, ideally an Aeroplan one to boost your miles even more and if the selected retailer has their own loyalty program make sure you login or provide that membership number on the purchase as well.
Learn more about Aeroplan eStore's fashion event here.