Thursday, February 7, 2019

IHG Rewards Club Rewards Nights. Faster. Earn 40,000 or more bonus points on your stays until April 15

A friendly reminder post about IHG's Reward Nights. Faster. promotion where you can earn 40,000 or more bonus points for your IHG stays. Remember to register right away for it even if you don't have any stays planned. You never know when your plans may change, book an IHG hotel and remember after you check out that this promotion was out there.

IHG's Reward Nights. Faster. is essentially the same as previous Accelerate offers where the bonuses vary by member and you find out what your offer is after registering. Based on the wording of the promotion I received the base offer of earning up to 40,000 points.

Here is what I received as my offer:

Let us know what offer you get in the comments below!

Offer details
Earn 500 to 40,000 or more Bonus IHG Rewards Club Points when you complete stays at IHG Hotels Worldwide. Bonus varies by member. Full details, online registration and booking (Registration is required) Register by Mar 15 for stays Jan 15 - Apr 30, 19

Find many more IHG Rewards Club bonus points offers here!