Tuesday, October 10, 2017

Redemption Stories: 72,000 Reward Point stay at a New York City Best Western Hotel for only 30,000 Points!

 Going back a couple of weeks ago we brought you the details of Best Western's Fall promotion and it wasn't met with huge fanfare as it's a simple double points offer. However the promotion also includes a redemption portion that is being met with lots of fanfare. That offer is that you can redeem 10,000 points for a reward night at any Best Western Hotel in North America. Of course you wouldn't want to redeem that amount for a hotel that's only 8,000 points but with many being in the 16,000 to 24,000 point range per night you can see why this becomes a great offer.

When we posted the offer there was some confusion on how you book the redemption offer. Thanks to our reader BoogieManer we learned how you do. You simply needed to call Best Western Rewards customer service to take advantage of the redemption offer. Remember it is only good for stays between November 1 and January 31 however you can book those stays right away:

As you can see the Redemption Story here is one that provides some big time value! BoogieManer booekd a hotel in New York City for only 10,000 points per night (30,000 total) instead of 24,000 points per night (72,000 total) That is some huge savings and an example how you really need to keep on top of the game and utilize promotions like this when they come about. Good job BoogieManer!

Great news is that these rates are also now available online, you don't have to actually call in! Here is another New York example at the Best Western Premier Herald Square:

The hotel normally goes for 36,000 points per night but during this promotion it is only 10,000 points!

Once again here are the details of the Best Western promotion:

Double Rewards Points for stays at all Best Western branded hotels Worldwide. Full details, Online registration and booking (Registration is required) Until Nov 30, 17
Additional offer: BWR members can redeem 10,000 points for an exclusive offer for a Free Night valid for a stay at any Best Western branded hotel in North America.  The free night is valid for stays taking place between November 1, 2017 and January 31, 2018 

Have you or are you going to take advantage of this offer? Tell us your story in the comments section below!