Tuesday, October 31, 2017

Link your RBC Credit or Debit Card with Petro-Points to earn more points and save at the pump

Two weeks ago the details were released about RBC's and Petro-Canada's latest offer and expansion of their partnership.

As of today RBC clients can now link their Petro-Points card to any personal or business RBC debit or credit card to instantly receive 3¢ per litre fuel savings and earn 20 per cent more Petro-Points on qualifying purchases made at Petro-Canada. RBC Rewards credit card holders will also earn 20 per cent more RBC Rewards points on their Petro-Canada purchases. Unlike other loyalty programs where the benefits are limited to a specific card, Canadians will be able to use every RBC card in their wallet to save instantly on fuel and earn more rewards points. Clients simply need to link their Petro-Points card to their RBC profile online once by visiting the secure RBC website, rbc.com/petro-canada 

Compared to the last offer that ended yesterday providing a 2 cents per litre discount the discount now becomes greater however you need to tie your cards together from RBC and Petro-Points unlike the previous offer where you just swiped your card to get the discount. This means you have to become a Petro-Points member and link your RBC Credit or Debit card to that account. Not a huge deal.

We posed a question back on the 18th was whether tying in an RBC card to the Petro-Points card affects other cards tied into Petro-Points like HBC, More Rewards and so on. We received a response from Suncor (Petro-Canada / Petro-Points parent company)
Our Question:
"currently with Petro-Points you can link multiple other loyalty accounts to your Petro-Points and get the 20% bonus points from each of them and will that be the case with RBC as well? That is if you link your RBC card and your HBC card will you a 20% bonus twice? And what about More Rewards?”

Suncor's Answer:
"You will continue to get points on any of our Petro-Points partners that you have linked your cards up on, the points will be calculated on the base spend."
It looks like you'll continue to earn all the bonuses and points from all linked cards. Currently I have More Rewards, HBC and SPC linked to my Petro-Points card. I add edmy WestJet RBC World Elite MasterCard today and that should mean I'll get the 20% bonus Petro-Points three times (RBC, SPC, HBC) and still collect the More Rewards points as well, not to mention saving 3 cents per litre if I choose to use the WestJet card for those purchases but that may be tough as my American Express Gold Rewards card still provides better value than the 3 cents off especially with the jump in prices at the pump we experienced today.

Link your cards here today!