Thursday, February 27, 2014

Is Delta Airlines alienating the average high yield traveler?

Rewards Canada contributor Sol Zia gives us a quick commentary on the Delta SkyMiles changes that were announced yesterday. See our post here for more details.

By biasing SkyMiles earning towards high price, high yield, tickets I think Delta is overestimating business travelers preponderance for a last minute ticket purchase. If you talk to the average 100,000 plus mile flyer they will admit to a mix of ticket classes. I'd estimate at least 1/3rd of business travel is project-able and is made up of consistently scheduled monthly management meetings, conferences, training and other easy to forecast trip reasons. Even with more immediate trips, like client meetings, most travelers, and certainly their corporate travel desks, book the lowest flexible fare. I think Delta is running a big risk over-applying the Pareto rule and that many of their loyal FFP members may move up on the miles based FFPs. Time and analysis will tell.

Sol Zia, a loyalty consultant, has been an Air Canada Super Elite (100K) member since he first fast-tracked out of Elite in 2003.