Cash donations from around the world are pouring in to many charities including the Canadian Red Cross, here is another method for you to donate (plus it counts as activity in your Aeroplan account if you don't use it often)
From the Groupe Aeroplan press release:
Montreal, QC, March 14, 2011 Aeroplan today announced that it has donated 1 million Aeroplan Miles to the Canadian Red Cross to support the emergency relief efforts in the aftermath of the recent earthquake and tsunami in Japan. Aeroplan will also match its employees' individual cash contributions to the Canadian Red Cross while Groupe Aeroplan will match cash contributions to the Red Cross or the Red Crescent from its employees worldwide.
In addition, Aeroplan Members who wish to support the Canadian Red Cross can donate their Aeroplan Miles online at
"Our hearts go out to the people of Japan at this time," said Vince Timpano, President and Chief Executive Officer, Aeroplan. "We hope that our donation will assist relief efforts in the aftermath of this terrible disaster and we invite our members to join us in supporting the Canadian Red Cross."