Friday, July 5, 2019
Receive up to a 100% bonus when you buy IHG Rewards Club points
Here we have another buy points sale from IHG Rewards Club and it is their Mystery Bonus offer which means the bonus can vary by member. When I logged in I found out I was targeted for the maximum 100% bonus. This sale runs until August 23.
The best price for buying points comes when you buy 26,000 or more points in one transaction. For example, buying 100,000 points (200,000 total with bonus) costs US$1000 which means each point will only cost you 0.5 cents. That’s up to 40 nights at IHG hotels if redeeming via the PointBreaks 5,000 point level, 20 nights at 10,000 and 13 nights at the 15,000 point level. Even at that highest level it is like you are buying each night for only US$75.
Offer Details
Earn up to 100% Bonus IHG Rewards Club Points when you buy 5,000 or more points. Maximum bonus varies by member. Buy points here. Until Aug 23, 19
Find many more IHG Rewards Club bonus point offers here!