Wednesday, August 30, 2017

RBC credit card holders now get instant 2¢ per litre fuel savings at Petro-Canada

 Canadian credit card issuers continue to look for ways to enhance their cards and provide more value to their cardholders. One way is with exclusive limited time money saving offers such as this one.

As of this week all RBC credit card holders (including Avion, WestJet etc.) will receive 2¢ off per litre of gas purchased at Petro-Canada stations. The discount is applied right at the point of sale so cardholders do not have to do anything more than purchase gas at Petro-Canada and use and RBC credit card.

Remember when you buy gas at Petro-Canada to also have a More Rewards account connected to your Petro-Points account and swipe the later card as well. Read more about that here. That way you are triple dipping on all your Petro-Canada purchases by receiving More Rewards points, Petro-Points, and whichever RBC linked reward program points/miles you are collecting with like RBC Rewards, WestJet Rewards, Cathay Pacific Asia Miles and so on.