Friday, June 23, 2017

Three cards you'll want to wait to apply for until July

Many banks give us some sort of advance notice of changes and limited time offers coming to their various credit card products. If you have read the blog portion of our site you'll know we try to pass along news or hints as what to do, whether apply right away since a card will lose a limited time offer or benefit or tell you to wait as the offer will get better. This post is for three cards that will be coming with better offers in July. While we can't disclose what the new offers will be, we do want our readers to get the best possible deal they can so if you have been considering any one of the following three cards try to hold off on applying for them until the new offers become live:

Stay tuned to our social media channels or right here on the blog as we'll provide all the details on the new offers when they go live!

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