Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Air Canada / Aeroplan formally launch Million Mile Program

Air Canada's top frequent flyers are finally going to receive the recognition they have been asking for for many years. Aeroplan members who have earned one million or more status miles by flying with Air Canada and Air Canada Jazz will be recognized. The miles must have been earned from the inception of Air Canada''s Top Tier program (circa 1988) and does not include miles earned before that. Full details are not yet known and according to an Air Canada spokesman, all the terms and conditions will only be released to those who qualify.

Garnering information from two frequent flyer forums where there are members who are qualifying it appears that at the 1MM mile mark you receive a beautiful wooden box, Recognition Letter, Special Edition Reduced Model of an AC777-300ER, 2 x SWU,2 x SSWU upgrade coupons, AC SE Membership Card and Luggage Tags with a 1 Million Miles Logo. As well it appears you receive lifetime elite status regardless of miles flown. This of course could vary per person depending on the total number of miles as one Super Elite has stated you get lifetime Super Elite status if you have flown 3 million or more miles with AC and AC Jazz.

We will keep you up to date as more information comes out!

Aug 13 Update:
Here is a post from FlyerTalk by Air Canada's own Ben Smith with a few more details:

"We've had this program in the works for some time and as a result of your feedback and suggestions to me, my team and the entire company we made the decision to fast track the launch ahead of 2011 renom.

There are 3 levels to the program. 1, 2 and 3 million miles flown on AC/Jazz since the start of the status program.

1MM = Lifetime Elite status for member + exclusive benefits/gift unique to this status level

2MM = Lifetime Elite status for member + Lifetime Elite status for a nominated partner + exclusive benefits/gifts unique to this status level

3MM = Lifetime Super Elite status for member + Lifetime Elite status for a nominated partner + exclusive benefits/gifts unique to this status level

Those who have qualified will be receiving their individual personalized packages in the coming weeks. In the coming months we have additional functionality rolling out to facilitate the ability to track your progress toward achieving status in these new programs.

Thanks again for your feedback and continued loyalty."

For more details on what members are receiving and talking about please read the following threads:
FlyerTalk: 1,000,000 Million Milles Recognition from AC
CanFlyer: AC lifetime status