Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Redemption Stories The Good, The Bad and The Ugly: Aeroplan Summary

I asked and you responded. Welcome to the summary of Rewards Canada's first Redemption Stories: The Good The Bad and The Ugly. For the first go around I picked Aeroplan and our readers spoke out. Surprisingly to me there weren't as many 'Ugly' incidents as I thought there would be based on the number of complaints I receive each month but the balance of responses do fall into the 'Bad' category. Of course these are categorized by me, so what I think may be 'Ugly', could just be 'Bad' to someone else or vice-versa, either way I hope this post helps shed some light on Aeroplan redemptions

Some interesting notes from these comments tell us how your hotel status may still be applicable on an Aeroplan hotel redemption while we see another person avoiding Aeroplan and using the not-so-well known Aegean Airlines method to achieving Star Alliance Gold Status, someone so fed up with Aeroplan they redeemed all their miles for merchandise and one other person actually choosing a tight fitting airline seat for a direct charter flight rather than redeeming Aeroplan miles for a connecting flight that incurred large fuel surcharges.

I would love to hear more comments and stories from Aeroplan members, feel free to do so at the bottom of this post and finally I want to thank everyone who contributed their stories, without you this post would not be possible! Be sure to watch for the next Redemption Stories request in early April.


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I recently redeemed Aeroplan miles for a great two night stay at the W Hong Kong and it was well worth it.

No problems at check in and once my SPG Gold info was added to my reservation, I had an upgraded room as well with awesome view of Kowloon harbor.

My minor disclaimer is that I'm already an Air Canada Elite frequent flier so it's easier to upgrade to business class than it is to try and find one via Aeroplan.

Aeroplan works for my strictly personal travel despite the now hefty 50,000 status mile requirement. On the other hand, it's currently easier to accumulate miles thanks to my proximity to Spokane plus I already have approximately 33,000 status miles towards 2013.

via the Rewards Canada Blog
I think aeroplan can be an excellent program if you have the means to accumulate a large number of points, if you can plan well in advance, if you want to travel in J/C, if you are flexible and if you have SE status. We have redeemed trips without SE status, but those trips were booked almost a year in advance. If you don't accumulate many points and you can only redeem in economy I don't think that the product is necessarily worth it - unless it's on a very expensive route - the taxes and fees on some routes are more than the fares and this doesn't seem like good value. I actually find the starwood program more beneficial, not for flights, but for hotels. Anyone can join, you can easily earn and use points and I have found that you can get excellent value.

via the Rewards Canada Blog
Overall I've had good experiences with Aeroplan including 7 trips to Europe, 3 to Mexico, 3 to San Francisco, 3 to New York, 1 to Costa Rica (never again), about 6 Vancouver to Toronto. My main complaint is about hidden charges, what else is new. Right now we don't book on Aeroplan to Europe or AC for that matter because of the horrendous fuel surcharge. Other than that they have been way better than most others including WestJet and Alaska Air. They at least have choices. You get what you pay for, seems to true all the time.

via the Rewards Canada Blog
I redeeem Aeroplan points about once every year or two for flights from Ottawa Vancouver and have never had any issues. Always helpful phone staff, and will make suggestions regarding other options for flights that don't always show on the website. We recently travlled business class Ottawa to Phoenix, and Aeroplan allows access to AirCanada lounges which was a plus. I wasn't impressed with the US Airways and American Airlines, for level of service for business class.

Yes, there are fees/surcharges/etc but I would be paying those even if I booked seat sale prices.

via the Rewards Canada Blog
We collect Aeroplan points primarily through credit cards, which we use for everything We have been to South America this year, China and Singapore last year and to Europe several times before that all Business Class all at basic points. It's an incredible value - flights that would literally have cost tens of thousands of dollars for a few hundred. You do have to be flexible and patient, however...


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I have nothing good to say about Aeroplan, although i like Air Canada. I am an elite flier with Air Canada and as a result have more chances to redeem for flights. It is still ridiculous trying to get a flight for basic points. I either spend double miles for the every flight which means my points are worth half their value or i spend them on merchandise and hotels for one cent per point which makes them worth one one hundredth the value aeroplan promises.
Next year aeroplan will further reduce the value of their program by moving my status from star alliance gold to silver, less benefits, less value. I am cancelling my aerogold visa with CIBC as i don't want more points with aeroplan.

via e-mail
From the Aeroplan webpage I've had no success in finding air travel or
car rental that fits my schedule. You have to continually enter dates
and locations that do not match anything available. It's like a
lottery that I've never won with no information that helps you improve
your chances of using the points that have to be used before they

via the Rewards Canada Blog
I have been Aeroplan Elite with Air Canada for over 20 years. The only Aeroplan miles I collect is when I fly to retain my status because they are just too difficult to redeem. Also, with credit cards such as Aventura, when I redeem my points for a flight I receive Aeroplan Miles on the flight - unlike Aeroplan tickets (even though Aeroplan and Air Canada are quick to point out they are two separate companies). I can also pick any airline with no blackout dates and in the rare occasion I do find a flight on Aeroplan, I can always convert my Aventura points to Aeroplan on a 1 to 1 basis. (Same with Amex Platinum).

via the Rewards Canada Blog
I have several hundred aeroplan points and as soon as I use them up, I will be dropping my CIBC credit card in favor of another program. I used to fly a lot for work, maintained elite membership and amassed a considerable number of points. Traveling on points used not to be a problem. I find now, however, that since Air Canada introduced their "Classic Plus" awards there are never any awards at the Classic level available and this includes being totally flexible and booking almost a year in advance. Aeroplan used to be a great program and maybe it still is at the elite and super elite level, but for those of us who fly less after retiring, the program is a disappointment. Just when we are flexible and can/will fly anytime, the program lets us down. Air Canada may want our loyalty, but they sure don't show any to us.

via the Rewards Canada Blog
I had a CIBC Aerogold for years but cancelled it when I finally came to my senses. We now collect via CIBC Aventura and we can actually USE our miles during peak periods and on short notice. The selection via Aeroplan is so limited unless you're willing to pony up 75,000 for a short-haul domestic flight! I had lots of success booking on Aeroplan many years ago (over 7-8) but now that I don't fly overseas very much, there is significantly less value derived from the points.

via the Rewards Canada Blog
if aeroplan did not charge the fuel surcharge on Air Canada flights and charged 50% of the miles on one way flights like other airlines it would be great. On united mileage plus you can book Air Canada flights without the fuel surcharge. I find this a bit ridiculous as Air Canada owns Aeroplan and it charges its loyal customers more money.

via the Rewards Canada Blog
I have about 150K Aeroplan points that I plan to get rid off over next 12 months by travelling to California and Hawaii. I used to have Amex Aeroplan card which I have now cancelled, replaced by free Amex Costco. In 1986, when you would redeem aeroplan points, they would put you in first class if there was room on the plane ... Times have changed. Surcharges to Europe + taxes are several hundred dollars ...

via the Rewards Canada Blog
Aeroplan Elite or SE with CIBC Aerogold. Collect about 250K per year in miles (flights plus CIBC card). If it were not for buying my retired inlaws flights across the country to visit us twice a year, I don't know how I would ever use the miles. Inlaws very flexible (hey free flight up front), but as far as booking for my family forget it. Phone staff is great, on line basically is depressing - never anything available unless you want to fly for 18 hours with stopovers (in laws will do it, my five year old would not). I know there are seats, but AC won't release them. Once the inlaws don't want to travel as much, cancelling CIBC card, and AC will see less of me...

via the Rewards Canada Blog
I used to use my aeroplan points for flights but it doesnt really make sense with $ 200+ per ticket for redemption fee, tax, etc. I cashed them all out for gift cards and bought the kids beds, tv, ipods, etc. Easier and just use a cash back credit card now.

via the Rewards Canada Blog
I don't generate a lot of miles as I only have my credit card to earn miles. I have tried for a number of years to book flights at the regular rate but always find they aren't available and then have to use 1.5 times the miles. Even when I tried booking 355 days before the flight, I couldn't get the regular rate - which tells me that certain flights aren't offering seats at the regular mileage. I gave up and switched credit cards and don't collect Aeroplan anymore except at the gas station.

via the Rewards Canada Blog
I have no problem with Aeroplan itself, but I think the "reward" value is misconstrued. Advertisements for travel reward programs all tout "free airfare", yet when you come right down to it, there is no such thing as a free airline ticket. It is nearly impossible to collect enough points for a reasonable redemption with regular (not business) purchases unless one also holds a premium credit card; even then, it will generally take more than a year to collect enough points for an average couple to book a flight. Once the cost of the card ($125 per year) plus taxes, plus fuel surcharges are factored in, the ticket price can easily surpass what one would pay during a seat sale. Convenience must also be considered -- point redemption requires planning, and there is also the extra protection (insurance = more $$$) that can be purchased lest one's points be lost if a cancellation occurs. All in all, it may not be as good a deal as one would think.

via the Rewards Canada Blog
True, we have been able to redeem Aeroplan points for flights, but in all cases we were booking 5-6 months in advance. What I object to is going on the Aeroplan website, seeing flights are available, but being told I can't book a portion of the flight. All this means I have to call, and pay their agent for booking the flights I should have been able to book online. Another beef is the limited access to partner airlines often having to fly on very inconvenient Air Canada flights when a partner airline would have given me a a more direct and shorter duration flight. I plan to use up my remaining points and switch to another bank card.

via the Rewards Canada Blog
I looked at an AC flight to Europe on Aeroplan website and I would have to pay the fuel surcharge. I went on the United website and found the EXACT flight available to their mileage plus members and there is no fuel surcharge. How can Aeroplan collect fuel surcharge from it's members on behalf of AC and United does not have to??

via e-mail
You'll laugh at this one - it was from a few years ago, and I was looking to use some Aeroplan points to fly from Toronto to Kelowna and return.  For two people the number of points was 25,000 per person, or 50,000 in total.  But, I had 126,000 miles and was looking to use more.  So, I entered that I wanted to book for three people - the number of points required was 193,500 - in other words, the third person cost 143,500 points.

I assumed there was a system issue, and phoned their customer service hotline.  The agent confirmed that the 143,500 was correct, and couldn't understand why I felt it was unreasonable!  No matter what I said, it was still that many extra for one more person.

Needless to say, we went ahead with the two person option on points.

via the Rewards Canada Blog
Two years ago, I was sitting on 200,000+ Aeroplan points. I wanted to book my family (4 tickets) to Orlando and back. I was flexible: any time in the next year. Didn't care. The search came back showing NOTHING was available. I got really mad, went online and redeemed all my points in about 3 minutes acquiring random merchandise - patio heaters, exercise equipment, etc... it all arrived in literally a few days. Their merchandise arrives faster than the Air Canada planes.

via the Rewards Canada Blog
Cleaned out the account with a 90,000 point J redemption on CO for very low (comparative taxes) after lucking out with dates. Had grown disillusioned with the program long ago when the much-vaunted short haul system went wonky and decided to turn YOW-YYZ flights into epic YOW-YUL-YYZ flights that took longer than a VIA rail train. Now proud user of RBC Avion Infinite (former Aerogold customer) and Aegean (booked to hit *G by end April), after abandoning Aeroplan in December. That will make it 25,000 miles in a shade under 5 months this year - only 6k on Air Canada. Should hit Aeroplans new *G threshold (50k miles) later this year. Just not with Aeroplan. For me, its a fail.

via the Rewards Canada Blog
I was going to use my points for a return flight, Toronto to Lisbon. 60,000 points and $500 in fees, over $300 of that the fuel surcharge. I had to route through Frankfurt. I found a direct flight on Air Transat for $686 including all fees and taxes. I'm going to use up my points on North America flights where the fuel surcharge is much lower. I've already switched credit cards and if I fly Air Canada, I earn points in one of their partner airlines. My 20 years of active membership in Aeroplan is coming to an end.

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I had been redeeming Aeroplan Points for years by calling them the first week of August to book a flight to Fla. so that we could take a winter cruise in Jan. or Feb. All went well until 2 years ago. I gave them 5 different cruises that I wished to coordinate with and they couldn't find me a flight unless I wanted to pay a premium of 15,000 points on top of the 25,000. Both I and all our family members cashed in and cancelled our Aeroplan accounts!

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I have been trying off and on for months to find suitable flights from Kelowna to Ottawa. There is almost nothing (classic reward) that does not require wither being at the airport at 5am, doing a red-eye or overnight, having to stay over a week or doing many many stops. For years, as long as I booked ahead, I used to have no problem getting this route at all. For instance, in September and October it is impossible to be able to go over a weekend (say Thursday to a Monday), unless I am willing to use 10x the points to get there.

I was looking for 2 classic reward flight tickets unsuccessfully on line. Usually if I was willing to book close to a year in advance I could get your pick of routes. Not this time. I called in and spoke with an agent and, on another day, an agents supervisor who both told me that, starting this past August, there was a change to the way the Aeroplan seats were being released. Instead of releasing the entire percentage the 300 & some-odd days in advance (as they always did before), they were now only releasing them as a ratio of fully-paid seats are sold.

Anyhow, all I know is that a flight that would have been easy to book is now impossible (without spending over 100,000 points for what should be 25,000 points).

via the Rewards Canada Blog
Aeroplan rewards? Not even on the best day! "Rewards" are actually a money grab, not only from the vendors (sorry, suckers) that pay Aeroplan to give YOU miles, but wait until you see what Aeroplan charges you for SERVICE FEES. I just booked the same identical 60,000 mile reward using United Mileage Plus for Cslgary to Copenhagen and return. I paid $447 LESS in fees that had I booked with Aeroplan!!! Same exact flights, same exact days, same class of service. And to top it off, both transatlantic flights are on Air Canada! When I asked for an explanation, some supervisor bimbo from Aeroplan in Montreal (named Mindy) could only make excuses and give no answers.